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What's happening at HEMS?

Hillsboro Scholars participate in amazing activities and events! Use this page to stay up-to-date on everything happening on campus.

Williamson County Schools (WCS) Coordinated School Health Program is proud to announce an exciting program with SOAR Adventure where students can earn a free game of mini-golf.

Elementary students have many opportunities this year to earn free games of mini-golf. Students who achieve a letter grade of “A” in any one subject on their report card and/or are recognized by a staff member earn a free game of mini golf to be redeemed any time before June 30, 2025 at SOAR Adventure in Franklin. This is also true for students in Kindergarten and first grade who receive either a “3” or an “S” in any area of their report card. Students will receive a "ticket" to take to SOAR Adventure to be redeemed for the free game. One parent or guardian must be with the student or group of up to 5 total students. Parents or guardians do not have to play if they do not want to, and there is no charge if they do not play. If they want to play, they can pay the adult fee and play along with the students. Students will have the opportunity to win up to up to 4 free games throughout the school year, one per grading period.

Featured in InFocus

Students and families at Hillsboro School's Trunk or Treat

Students had a scary good time at Hillsboro School's Trunk or Treat. Families came dressed in their favorite costumes and looking for candy as they arrived for an evening of fun and games.

orchestra students being conducted

Hillsboro School invited students and families to the school February 29 for its annual Night of the Arts celebration. The event gives students a chance to share their talents in the areas of music, theater, art and graphic design with their loved ones.

kids in red shirts running

Kindergarten through fifth-grade students at Hillsboro School walked, skipped and ran their way into Thanksgiving Break by participating in the school's third annual turkey trot on November 16.