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Our PTO is made up of hard-working parents & teachers who pool their talents to provide practical support for our school!

PTO Goals

We will help everyone achieve more by:

1. Establishing and maintaining a working relationship among parents, school, and community.
2. Supporting school improvement teams and promoting the finest education possible for the students.
3. Expanding technology and supplement equipment and supplies.
4. Increasing student safety and security.
5. Developing programs and projects that will support or enrich the curriculum.
6. Enhancing the quality of education by raising funds for school supplies or programs that fall outside the school budget.

Visit the PTO Website to volunteer or stay up-to-date on all things PTO! 

Shop the Spirit Store here!

3 girls in green shirts

Board Members

Hope Hendren, President

Lori Waddell, President-Elect
Jenna Lowry, Treasurer
Kim Busboom, Treasurer-Elect
Ashley Biggert, Secretary
Hope Hendren, Fundraising
Lori Waddell, Fundraising
Patty Hoppenstedt, Band Chair
Heather Pereyra, Coorporate Sponsors
Magan Osborne, Athletic Chair
Toni Templeman, Middle School Room Parent Chair
Lacey Julian, Elementary Room Parent Chair
Cristin Minge, Hospitality Chair
Andrea Thomas, Co Hospitality Chair
Kaitlyn Laskey, Social Media Content Leader
Amber Ledgerwood, Community Outreach Chair
Ravin Mendez, Library Chair
Amy Hart, Projects Committee Chair
Shane Mazzella, Volunteer Committee Chair
Dan Tedesco, Programs Chair

Open Positions
Fine Arts/NOTA Chair